PAVE-Peace Awareness through Volunteering and Education
Series of online workshops

Dear Participant’s, we are excited to invite you to a series of online workshops on “How to prepare for a volunteering experience.”
These workshops, organized by the PAVE project, aim to develop various aspects of volunteering to help young people who are interested in participating in PAVE volunteering weeks or any other volunteering activities in the future. The online workshops will take place in January and February 2024.
They are open to participants of the International Peace Academy and newcomers with an interest in peace, volunteering, conflict prevention, and resolution from France, Poland, Spain, Ireland, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, and Ukraine. You have the option to attend all three workshops or select the ones that interest you the most. Participation is completely free of charge. To secure your spot, please register your presence using the provided registration form.
A week before each workshop, we will send the registered participants the link to join the online meetings
How to prepare for a volunteering experience
Series of online workshops
In January and February 2024, the PAVE project is hosting three online workshops that will develop diverse aspects of the topic “volunteering” that will help to prepare young people who would like to participate in PAVE volunteering weeks or any other volunteering activities for their future experience.
The online workshops are open to participants of the International Peace Academy and any newcomers with an interest in peace, volunteering, and conflict prevention and resolution who come from France, Poland, Spain, Ireland, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia and Ukraine.
You are welcome to attend all the workshops, or you can choose only the ones that are the most interesting for you. Participation is free of charge, please register your presence in this registration form. The link to each meeting will be sent to all registered participants a week before each workshop.
Best Practices of Volunteering in Emergencies (January 24, 2024, 18:00 – 19:30 CET)
Volunteers play a significant role in disaster response in emergency situations and conflict zones. This workshop will present several stories of volunteers who have experience working in such situations, they will share what they have learned and how a volunteer can be prepared to get involved in emergencies.
PAVE volunteering weeks in Poland, Croatia, Bosnia and Ireland (January 31, 2024,18:00 – 19:30 CET)
From March to October 2024, the PAVE project will organise 8 volunteering weeks in Poland, Croatia, Bosnia and Ireland for a total of 96 volunteers. This workshop will offer presentations of four organisations that will receive and involve participants in receiving countries and it will provide general information useful for participation in PAVE volunteering activities. It will also collect specific inputs and expectations for adjustment of planned volunteering programmes.
Volunteers as Changemakers (February 14, 2024, 18:00 – 19:30 CET)
This workshop will help to enable young people to face complex and global challenges by providing tools, skills and knowledge about the power of volunteering. It will also offer stories and experiences of young volunteers.
We look forward to your participation in these workshops and believe that they will greatly enhance your preparation for a fulfilling volunteering experience.
For any further queries, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Kind regards, Zamah PAVE Project Team